The Castletown area of Penrith is among one of the first to be considered for a 20mph speed limit under Westmorland and Furness Council’s new application process.
The council introduced a new system to make it easier for local communities to apply for 20mph speed limits.
Castletown is one of the first areas to apply, with a full application made to the council by the first phase deadline date of 31st December.
The application has been submitted by Penrith West ward town councillor, independent Jeff Thomson, with the backing of the newly-formed Castletown Community Action Group.
Both Thomson and fellow councillor Barbara Jayson, a West Ward Liberal Democrat town councillor, have appealed for local residents to tell them their views.
“Now, the application has formally been submitted, we look forward to hearing what the wider community thinks about making residential Castletown 20mph on road safety grounds,” said Ms Jayson.
The councillors can be contacted via their town council email addresses and
The first stage of the new process is to seek support from Penrith Town Council, before the application goes to Westmorland and Furness Council for full and final consideration.