Orton’s George Hotel has been listed as an asset of community value.
After the village’s parish council was informed that there was a possibility that the George Hotel could be sold, a petition was signed by about 30 people calling for the pub to be registered as a community asset.
“Such registration would have the effect of stopping any sale for a period of six months and would allow an opportunity for the residents of Orton to bid for the property,” a meeting of the parish council was told.
Karen Greenwood, Eden Council’s resources portfolio holder, told a meeting of the district authority’s cabinet that a nomination had been received from Orton Parish Council for the George Hotel to be listed as an asset of community value under the Localism Act (2011).
The George Hotel was described as being a vital local hub — the only pub in the village and the only place serving food in the evening for some miles.
“It hosts various community events including lunch clubs, dominoes, singing, musical events and darts competitions,” said Mrs Greenwood.
“The pub purchases from the local shop and provides employment for local people. It provides accommodation for those undertaking the Coast to Coast walk and there is no other overnight accommodation in the village.
“The walkers and cyclists who visit support other local initiatives such as the farmers market and summer exhibitions.”
She added: “It is clear from the information provided that the pub is used for events and activities which can be said to go beyond a mere public house and further the social interests of the community.”
It was agreed that the George Hotel should be put on Eden Council’s register of assets of community value which will be transferred to the new Westmorland and Furness unitary authority next month.