People in Appleby looking for a place to live have been given a boost after a scheme for 25 affordable houses have taken a major step forward.
A rare 100 per cent affordable housing project was given in principle planning approval at a meeting of Eden Council’s planning committee in Penrith.
It paves the way for 11 new two-bed homes, and 14 three-bed properties.
The site, off Westmorland Road and next to railway lines, is currently vacant and used for ad hoc parking. A three-metre tall noise-reducing acoustic fence is planned to limit disturbance of trains on residents.
The area will be developed in a grant-funded scheme involving Penrith’s Atkinson Homes Limited, and Home Group, a high quality social housing provider, with further legal discussions planned before work starts.
The project was described by planning officer John Hiscox as an exemplar high quality development with 15 properties being fitted with solar panels and plans for sustainable air source heat pumps.
The scheme appears to have widespread support in the community with not a single public objection and Appleby Town Council firmly in favour. Planning committee member Mike Eyles, who represents Penrith East, proposed it be allowed.