A new charity shop is set to open this month in a unit at Penrith’s New Squares shopping area, near the Sainsbury’s supermarket.
The unit, like others in New Squares, has been vacant for a number of years, but is coming to life to accommodate a shop run by the RESTORE charity, which helps create opportunities for people in Cumbria while caring for the environment by reusing, recycling and repairing otherwise unwanted items.
RESTORE is led by a team of volunteers, staff and trustees and has four shops and a warehouse in Carlisle. Each shop has a manager but is dependent on local volunteers who are willing to sort, display and sell donated items.
Most importantly, says the charity, all those involved have time to chat to and support anybody who comes into the shops.
Bryan Gray, chairman of the charity’s trustees, said: “All profits made by the shops are used to support community activities.
“In Carlisle, our community shed works alongside people who have been disadvantaged or faced social exclusion. We work with individuals to help them make positive changes to their lives.
“We also have a community allotment which creates a great space for people to work outside. We are transforming part of the site using recycled items. The food we grow is shared with our friends on low incomes. We hope to run similar projects in Penrith.”
Working with RESTORE in Penrith is Beth Honey, the RESTORE chaplain and pioneer minister, funded by Churches Together in Penrith and the Church of England nationally. Beth is already talking to local communities and building up a team of volunteers ready to help when the shop opens.
Duncan Walker, of Churches Together in Penrith, said: “Seeing the new shop starting to come together, including some innovative up-cycling of wood and other materials for shop displays and the community area, is giving us hope that RESTORE can play a big part in the community of Penrith.”
RESTORE has leased the shop, which will offer clothing and other items and also provide a community space where many activities are planned.