A seven-year-old Eden boy who spent more than a year growing his hair to donate to a children’s cancer charity has achieved his goal.
Ollie Allison, who lives at Bolton with his parents Rob and Kate and younger brother Benjamin, decided just before the first UK lockdown in March 2020, that his fast-growing hair should be put to good use.
With the help of his parents, Ollie decided to grow his hair and donate it to the Little Princess Trust – a national charity which provides free, real-hair wigs for young cancer sufferers or for children and young people experiencing the devastating effects of hair loss.
With his hair past his shoulders, measuring more than 10in long, he underwent the big chop at BB’s gents’ hair stylist in Penrith this week, and they donated the cost of the haircut straight back to the charity.
Mum Kate said Ollie had grown quite attached to his long locks and worried his head might be cold with his hair cut short, but he went ahead with a “short back and sides” cut so that others can benefit from his hair.
“What he has done is so selfless and has entirely come from him,” said Kate.
“I questioned throughout if he would get bored and want it cut off, but he’s stuck with it and we are so proud of him.”
Ollie took his cut hair into show classmates at Bolton Primary School before sending it off to the Little Princess Trust.
He also totted up how much he has raised through sponsorship and was thrilled to donate £1,113 to the charity, having originally set a target of £250.