Keen to keep the town green and clean, Appleby youngsters have launched a littering and environment campaign.
Initiated by PCSO Sally Ewbank and mayor Gareth Hayes, the six-month project involves all Appleby Grammar School Year 7 students exploring an environmental future.
Work will be done during the students’ life skills lessons, and it will involve talks from guest speakers including 19-year-old environmental campaigner Amy Bray, from Matterdale, litter-picking group Eden Wombles, and a local vet talking about the threat of plastic to wildlife.
“This is a real opportunity for direct action as our leaders soapbox about our environment,” said Mr Hayes.
“The town is our youth’s as much as anyone else’s and it is all about their future, so it makes complete sense for them to drive and own this innovative project.”
Mr Hayes donated £500 to the project from his mayoral fund and the plan is for the children to decide how best to spend the money to help promote environmental change in the town. They will also undertake a survey to assess things like bin capacity.
The school’s assistant strategic manager, Kelly Cannon, said: “It is fantastic that the school has received such a generous amount of funding for Year 7 to spend on the community project.
“The students are now going to develop their ideas for the project, with the long-term aim being to help to improve our local community and make students more aware that their actions now will impact on their future.”