A horse sculpture which is proposed to celebrate Appleby’s links to its historic gypsy fair has drawn more than 200 responses to Westmorland and Furness Council’s planning department.
A controversial planning application for the horse — submitted by Drive 2 Survive CIC — was discussed at a meeting of Appleby Town Council’s planning committee on Monday.
As the town council had already written to Drive 2 Survive in support of the structure — which is to be installed alongside the River Eden — it had been expected that town councillors would also back the idea. But not all councillors were in agreement and it might now have to go to a Westmorland and Furness planning committee, given the significant public interest.
A spokeswoman for Appleby Town Council said they were aware of the large response to the planning application consultation for the Appleby Stallion sculpture.
“The council will be deferring their response to planning (Westmorland and Furness Council) until after the consultation period closes on 22nd March, to enable the council to carefully review and consider all the comments received,” she said.