Hundreds of youngsters across Eden received their A-level results today.
Exams were cancelled for a second year due to COVID with a record number of students achieving top grades through teacher-based assessments.
Educators throughout the district reinforced that all grades were well-deserved and that pupils should be proud of what they’ve accomplished especially under such trying circumstances.
Paul Buckland, head of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Penrith, said: “We hope that the students believe they have received grades that reflect their hard work and depth of learning throughout their courses.
“We congratulate them all on the manner in which they have coped in these quite extraordinary times.
“Our students, the children of our wonderful county and schools are also more than the sum of their grades and so today we want to celebrate the individuals who have shone for all sorts of reasons.”
Thomas Knowles and deputy head boy Lewis Grant achieved four A*s each.
James Rocca, deputy head boy Gabriel Aston and deputy head girl Emily Bauer were awarded at least three A*s.
There were also successes at Kirkby Stephen Grammar School from the likes of Elspeth Clarke who, in addition to gaining an A* and two As, achieved a music diploma in harp.
She will study geography and history at Durham University in September.
Head boy and girl, Isaac Clapham and Morgan Sowerby, got 3 As each.
Renske Oudhuis got three A*s, Inigo Crowson two As and a B, Caitlin McAllister three As, Chloe Steadman, two As and a distinction) and Poppy Eld, two Bs and a C.
Gary Hartley, headteacher of Kirkby Stephen Grammar School, said: “The vast majority of the students are going on to take up university places, although a small number have gained local apprenticeships as their preference.
“I wish to congratulate all of our students, both those named above and those not, on their fantastic results achieved in the most difficult of circumstances. They are a triumph of resilience and commitment in the face of adversity.
“The staff of have huge admiration for the example they have set.”
Appleby Grammar School’s head of sixth form, Dan Hayman, said: “I would like to congratulate all our year 13 sixth form students on receiving their A-level results.
“We are incredibly proud of what they have achieved under uniquely challenging circumstances.
“The hard work from all our students has paid off and we wish them the very best for the future. I am sure they will go on to great things.”
Penrith’s Ullswater Community College’s head of sixth form, Robert Jackson, said: “This year, more than ever, we are all immensely proud of the combined efforts of our students, their parents, teachers and families and the way we have all worked together to secure these fantastic results.”
Many students achieved straight As and A*s.
Freya Hardman will study midwifery at King’s College, London; Lily Jennings will read human, social and political sciences at Cambridge University; and Abi Scott will study primary education at the University of Cumbria.